100% free - even creating large events & groups.
No annoying ads, no banners, no click-throughs.
Simple & fast - we try and put everything you need on ONE page, as much as possible. No need to click through a dozen different screens.
Powerful features, and more coming soon. For example, members can already add days/times they are available. Event Organizers will be able to view charts indicating when most people are available to help plan events.
Member-Match shows your top matches based on your interests. It also shows how well you match with them.
Though not intended to be a dating site, using qMeet to connect with people with lots of similar interests is a good place to start.
Chat freely with anyone, immediately - no need to wait for them to accept. They can just block you if they want.
"I'm Here" feature helps people form random meetups at any hour, without needing an event.
Simple, real-time chat, specific to each event, group, interest, or one-on-one.
Easily flag or block annoying users, inappropriate events, groups, and interests.
Optionally, tag all your interests/hobbies so the site can automatically recommend events, as well as members who share lots of interests. You can also block things you never want to see.
Use our extensive interest/hobby database (3000+) to find new interests. You can even use it to keep track things you have already tried or want to try.
Setup public or private Groups and Places to make it super quick to create Events.
Multiple Groups can be added to Events - not just one.
No spam - based on preferences you set, we will send you essential notifications and suggestions via txts and/or email, but these will always match your interests and options selected.
Tips provided throughout site to make it even easier. It's never a mystery what's going to happen when you click.
100% user-focused. Everything is being designed for the best user-experience, NOT to trick users into clicking a million things.
qMeet is just a website, compatible with any device. No app means qMeet is not scraping your phone for data 24/7, slowing it down and killing your battery. Chrome let's you 'install' our website on your phone so it will be treated like an app.
Privacy controls to control what others can see (e.g. name, gender, age, activity, availability days/times).
Optional bad-word filter automatically masks chat messages that may be offensive.
Groups and Events may have multiple organizers - not just one.
We will NEVER sell or share any of your information, no matter how the site may evolve.
Strong, verified security. There's not much information on here someone would want to steal anyway.
3 automated reminders you can set to make sure you don't forget about events.
The Dashboard concentrates everything you want to know at a glance. The yellow Alert Bar keeps you aware of anything that may be timely, no matter where you are on the site.
We monitor user feedback continuously, often fixing bugs or adding requested features the same same-day.
For users who share sufficient information, such as city/state, interests/skill levels, availability days/times, the site will be able to do some amazing things, such as identify groups of people in/near a location with the same interests/skills and overlapping availability, and auto-generate "proposed" events, which anyone willing can take ownership of and turn into an actual event. No more guessing what people want!